You're Brilliant

I took down my Christmas “tree” today!  

Yes, that is my big exciting news. 

I told you I was going to keep it up for a while. It's more like a topiary really and it's decorated more for Winter than Christmas. I don't have a fireplace so it gave a nice glow in the living room during these chilly nights.

I'm in one of my minimalist phases where I'm feeling like I've accumulated too much stuff. Too much stuff means work. Work to keep things organized, dusted, cleaned. So, I packed up a bunch of Christmas stuff that I never use and added that to the pile I'm donating to the Salvation Army. I have one rule about Christmas – nothing with glitter on it because you will never get rid of it.   BUT I AM!  I'm getting rid of all those Christmas balls full of glitter.

You know what I'm talking about.  For the people that send cards and a bunch of glitter falls out when you open them?  Not, funny.  

We've made a discovery here in The Hood in regards to these snow storms we've been getting and maybe this will help someone else out too. Not everyone has a driveway here.  About half the people park their cars on the street and the other half have driveways. Our driveway is maybe one-hundred feet long and we've figured out that we can offer the people without driveways, use of ours.

If we get enough cars, once the storm is over they can all pull out and NO ONE WILL HAVE TO SHOVEL. Well, not much anyway. And also? The plow trucks and completely clean our street. Win, win, win.

It only took us a couple of years to figure this one out.

For the record, I'm still cooking. But it's a lot of re-dos. My latest discovery is the use of boiled potatoes. I use Yukon Gold potatoes but use whatever you like.   Boil whole or cut up potatoes until tender and then refrigerate. For your next meal you can dice them up to frying them, mash them or eat them as they are (frying already cooked potatoes takes a lot less time than uncooked ones). 

 Fritata with ham and potatoes.

I fried some up to use in a fritata and also included ham. You can do a search on You Tube for various video recipes. I'd found a sale on eggs but had to buy two 18 counts of eggs and was looking for a way to use the eggs up. I use 9 eggs per fritata and add whatever you like to it. I only use three or four egg yolks. What's great about is, it's an entire meal on its own. You cook once, then simply microwave when hungry. Very easy, even for a girl like me.

 Cheese Fritata, fried potatoes and salsa.


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