
I've been MUTE this past week.

I don't know what it is. I'm just - quiet.

I remember some time last Winter writing that I felt like I was in hibernation.

I obviously haven't kept up with the 'one new recipe per week' but I HAVE been cooking. I've made chicken enchiladas, chicken marsala with steamed broccoli, tacos, brown rice, pasta fagioli, garlic bread, salad! (hee) beef stroganoff and a fritata.

My entire world doesn't stop anymore because I'm reading a recipe, line-by-line, several times over to make sure I'm doing it exactly correct. I can now walk in the door, throw a pot of water with beans on the stove and make soup while I'm doing other things.

That's progress, right?

As I write this, I wish my neighbors would practice their own “muteness”. That would make me very happy.

So yeah. Everything's fine here. I'm just very very quiet. Why does that remind me of Elmer Fudd?


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