Success is not the Result of Your Efforts

If you work from home and there's a blizzard, do you get to take the day off?  Because everyone else is off?

That makes it like a holiday, right?

Should I speak in questions this entire post?

We have about 7-8 inches of snow and it's still coming down.  In some areas they'd laugh at that.  "That's nothing.  Our kids walk to school in that all the time, with bare feet, no coats and throwing frisbees around."  Here in beach country they're not used to it.

I have not been doing such a great job here. I know, I know. I own it. What do you do when the writer doesn't feel like writing?

When there's nothing funny to share, no highlights, no witty thoughts – when everything feels glum but then you feel guilty because you should be grateful for all the little things. Damn it, the mind can mess with you.

I'd like to just be a reader for a while, but that's not going to work here. I can't come here and read stuff I haven't written. I could just stare at the page but that'd be a huge waste of time and I can hear that saying now that time is our most valuable asset. We all have the same amount but it's what you do with it that counts.  Yeah, yeah.

So what do I do? Keep writing even though I know it's second rate or wait until I feel inspired and run in here adorned in my shiny cape with fingers dancing on the keyboard hoping something meaningful or funny will come out?

Maybe it's like relationships - there are times you don't feel as close, or going to school where you struggle through certain classes, or life, when things don't always go perfectly smooth. They say success is not the result of your efforts, it's the fact that you never stopped trying. Just writing that made me feel better.

I guess I answered my own question.


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