Happy Martin Luther King Day

On Saturday I went on a big adventure to get away for the day.  I went looking for the country-side hoping to get some good pictures.  Pictures that I could share here - with you, you see.  And after five or six hours of not finding much country left, and doing a lot of running into more McMansions, new developments and yet more shopping malls that we don’t need, I headed back home.

I was excited though about one particular group of pictures I‘d taken.   The sun was setting and I’d found several beaten up greenhouses on a farm that stood side-by-side up on a hill.   The sun was behind them casting gorgeous shades of yellows, oranges and browns making the rusty old things glow with a beauty all its’ own.

But when I downloaded the pictures onto my computer it turned out I had my camera on the wrong setting.   I had been experimenting, learning to use more functions on the camera to get better pictures and everything was washed out.  The brilliant sunset in the background was white and those gorgeous colors were so pale they‘re not worth sharing - but I will anyway.  I'll share my failure.  What the hell.

What not to do.

Today I started having problems with my computer which kept locking up and shutting down on me, and as a business owner my income tax and sales tax are coming due and can only be paid ON-LINE.  I had the cash to pay them - I just didn’t have it in the bank yet.  So I ran down to the bank first thing this morning and Happy Martin Luther King Day!  We’re CLOSED. 

Let’s all hold hands and do the pity party dance, shall we?

Oy.  I’m in a mood today. 

I'll be out of town for a few days again to care for Poppy.  Catch you on the other side and Be Well.


Lori said…
I like the pic the way it is. It looks like watercolor. I am fascinated by watercolors. I always ended up with mud when I tried to create with watercolors.
Micki Michelle said…
Hey, you're going to make this easy. I'll just share all my failures and maybe, if I'm lucky, ya'll will just love me for it!

Thanks Lori.
Micki Michelle said…
I know what you mean about creating a mud color when mixing watercolors. Stick with colored pencils. *wink*

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