Mother Nature, Dirty Minds

I'm alive!

Is it possible for your mood to drop from the sky, hit the ground and lay there feeling beaten up for an extended freaking period of never-ending time?  

Why, yes it is!

Maybe I really do have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), but unlike most people, I don't want a name for it.  My mood may have weakened but my mind is strong. I want that voice in my head to say, “Come on girl.  Pick yourself up by the bootstraps and get on with life.”  “Hop to it!”

If you were on a private island with everyone and everything you needed or skiing on beautiful mountains or doing whatever it is that you love -

Would you be feeling so glum?

Me neither.

So whether you're hanging on by a string,

Or just need a little support,

Or have no legs and no head, but you can stretch your arms towards the heavens.

You can choose to see the world through rose colored glasses.

Whether you're an exotic beauty,

Or feeling small and insignificant,

Your roots may be rough, but in the end you grow beautiful blossoms.

Maybe your entire body looks like two big ears,

Or you cling to someone bigger and stronger than you.

Or you're looking for the way out...

Just remember, Mother Nature has a good sense of (adult) humor.

Now where did She put my Super Hero cape...


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