Refresh and Renew

I was out of town for a few days to attend a Memorial Service. 

My heart ached for the family who tried to keep a brave face for all their visitors, but the tears leaked out no matter how hard they tried.  I send them lots of love.

The following morning my parents and I got up at 3:30am to take Poppy (normally known as Pop - Dad - or Hey You, but I’ve altered his name for fun on here, and because I think it’s cute,) as I was saying, we took Poppy to a place to get new knees - otherwise known as knee replacement.  And of course he had to be the first surgery of the day and we had a bit of a drive to get there but all went well. 

He’s going to be brandy new soon.  He says instead of knee replacement he’d like a total body replacement - just put his head on a 20 year old body and he’ll be good to go.  He’s funny like that.

The time I was hoping to take off never happened and I’m pretty run down.  I think if I read back over the past month or so of posts I could see it coming.  So, I’m going to grab some rest when I can and I might be a little quiet on here for a bit so I can refresh - which sounds silly because how hard is it to sit back and type, right?  Takes little energy but it does take using a tiny part of your brain and mine is a bit fried.

Refresh and Renew - it’s good for you!   Yeah, yeah.  And now I'm going to go collapse for a while.


lori said…
Sorry for the loss of your friend and I hope your Pop's knees heal really fast because I am sure he will want to get out and about fast as he can!
Micki Michelle said…
Thanks Lori. It was pretty tragic the way everything played out. Very sad, but he was a really good guy.

Trust me when I say, Poppie will be up and about ASAP defying all odds. He's a trooper like that. :)

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