Question for the Ladies

It's hard to believe it's Friday already.  Whew!  My days are still not straight and I'm looking forward to getting back to my normal schedule.  Somehow it feels like that is never going to happen.

If you want to see a picture of a knee recovering from being replaced, see below.  For the squeamish - it's not that bad.  It looked more scary with all the staples in it and there are bandages that stay on until they fall off on their own.  The purple marks are still there from the surgeon and they fade in time.  He said they write all over you to make sure there are no mistakes - such as replacing the wrong knee or removing the wrong limb. 

Poppy's still in pain and physical therapy is brutal but he's coming along.  I still haven't sold him on the whole skirt idea but I think it helped somewhat when I told him I'm making it in camouflage.  Momma even agreed that it'd be practical.  Hee.  We'll get him a skirt yet. 

I'll be without a computer for a few days while it's off at the doctors so I won't be around.   In the meantime, I have a very important question that pertains mostly to the ladies (because our salon bills are much higher than the men folk) -

How much, or what percentage do you tip your hair stylist?

Inquiring minds need to know.

I'll explain more later.  

I'm leaving a poll (on the upper right hand corner of page)  if you don't want to write in the comments section.   Thanks!

Be back as soon as I can - hopefully early next week.


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