A phone call I had with Momma today-


“How’s Poppy doing?"  I asked.

“He’s coming along.  It’s a painful process, you know?  Bob and Sue (Poppy's son and daughter-in-law) will be coming over on Sunday and staying until Monday to visit with him”.

“You mean tomorrow.”  I corrected.

“Sunday.”  she stated.

“Tomorrow, Mom.”  I corrected again.


“MOM!  STOP MESSING WITH ME!  Seriously.”  and as I was saying this I was reaching for my cell phone to check the calendar - and sure enough-

It’s Friday.

And why anyone didn’t tell me this before I took the day off is beyond me.

My days and nights are still screwed up from the past two months of playing business owner by day and dutiful humble servant by night.

I need an assistant.  A lobotomy?  Vacation?  Perhaps just a calendar.  A really big one.


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