Working Dogs and Red Velvet

It can be a weird transition going from business owner to the Best Servant Ever but I get to check my brain at the door and that works for me.

I’ve been ‘working like a dog’ and squirreling nuts away for when things slow down.  Most dogs don’t even work so I don’t know who came up with that saying.

Ok, unless you’re counting Dalmatians that represent the fire company, and Police dogs that sniff out drugs and bombs and bring bad people to the ground, and seeing eye dogs and therapy dogs.  Oh, and SHOW DOGS.  All that primping and running around in circles and maintaining the proper stance while you get felt up by a judge.  I find that very odd.

It’s been a blur since Thanksgiving.  On Friday I thought it was Saturday and I told someone it was two days after Christmas.  I think somewhere in the back of my little brain I meant New Years but even that was still wrong.

Yesterday, the big plan was to *sleep* but the neighbors, whom I share a 2-family house with, would have none of that.  Them and their bountiful energy thought it wise to vacuum before 9am and then play music on a stereo that is right below my bed.  I cranked up the speed of the fan used to block out Hood Noise and pulled the covers over my head wondering if it’d be unneighborly to call and ask them to knock it the f*** off.

And then what do they do?

They show up at my door in the afternoon with homemade red velvet cupcakes because THAT'S HOW MY NEIGHBORS MESS WITH ME!

DAMNIT people.  


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