What Brain Cells?

I think my brain actually turned itself OFF yesterday and it‘s still not back ON.  It must’ve been some sort of self-preservation from working long hours and an attempt to keep whatever brain cells were left. 

I got a little whiny too, in my fatigued state thinking, wouldn’t it be easier to be a housewife and my main duty would be straightening up the house and having dinner on the table and someone else can pay the bills for a while?    Note I said “having” dinner on the table and not necessarily “cooking” dinner.  Hee.    That reminds me - I'm horribly behind in my Non-Cook cooking adventure.

Once in a while I want my To-Do list to say - get manicure and pedicure, take tennis lesson, go shopping on someone else’s expense and have fabulous dinner.  Yeah, that’s the ticket.   Let’s add a vacation or two in there and a massage while you’re at it.

I’m grateful for the work and I enjoy working hard.  But “whiny”?  That’s when I know I’m reaching my breaking point. 


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