A Special Day

It was 9am on a Monday.  I was three weeks ahead of schedule and wanted to surprise everyone, most notably, my mother.  I was ready to get this party started, even if I did look like an alien.  Besides, Momma didn’t seem to mind.

Forty-two years later to the day, and nothing is like I thought it would be, yet it’s perfect, flawed, and beautiful in its’ own right.

It’s been a life full of experiences, good and bad and we all have our own stories to tell.  It’s those stories that have molded us into who we are, built our character and knocked us down just to see if we dared to stand up again.

I choose to stand up even though I’m a Frequent Faller.  Doesn’t matter if you fall, only part that matters is if you stand up again.  If you can’t stand, then crawl.  If you can’t do that, flap your arms or simply look up at the sky and smile.  The Universe will know what it means.

I’ve been blessed to know many wonderful people and have great memories that I treasure.  I always said I’d rather have a life full of experiences, than a life full of things.

If you’re sitting around a campfire with nothing to do but converse with a group of people, I’d much rather listen to someone tell remarkable, honest stories, than the person who has nothing to say other than, “Would you like to look at my watch?”.

Nothing against watches - I prefer Movado myself, but your watch can’t touch people the way your passions and insights can.

It doesn’t fill your heart with joy, or excitement, or ache with sadness the way our life stories do.  Well, for some people it does but this would totally bore them.  Not enough razzle dazzle.

I want for nothing on my special day.  I have all I need inside of me at this moment.  Instead, I want to thank you for coming here and riding along with me on this journey.  Whether it’s the humor, stupidity or honesty you seek, I hope you find it and I hope it makes you feel better about yourself knowing what a dumb ass I am.  And I say that with love.

I hope in some way, I’ve touched you in a way that is legal and maybe even gave you a chuckle once in a while.  And maybe you can pay it forward by saying something nice to someone today just because, or let someone go ahead of you in traffic, or give someone a smile that really needs it.  That’s what you can give someone else on my birthday.



Mom said…
You are truly an amazing person and I am so proud that I am a part of your life; That I can tell others that I know you and that most importantly that I am your Mom!

Happy Birthday Baby.
Rosann said…
Great Birthday Celebration, girl! Had a wonderful time--Happy Birthday again!
What a wonderful post Micki.
Micki Michelle said…
I'm sorry I almost missed these comments. Thank you Mom. Wow. She likes me! She really likes me!

Hey Rosann - we had a good time, didn't we? Thanks for being a part of it...beads and all!

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