A Day in the Life

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You’re going to be hearing a lot from me today, not because I’m special, but because I’m bored.  So, to entertain myself, I will keep you posted on my every move, my every thought, my every whim.

Check in throughout the day if you’re around and send a wave if you’re so inclined.  


I’m trying to push my butt outside to jog/walk since I haven’t done that in a while.  My version jog/walking involves running as long as you can and then walking while panting, slightly bent over at the waist with your hands on your hips.  And then when you‘ve almost caught your breath because it always runs faster than you, you start jogging again.  Afterwards, you return to your car and pass out.

Must. Get. Out. Of. House. And get moving (on this horribly gray and rainy day and chilly day).  Blah.

Just get it over with, right?



Whose idea was it to go jog/walking in the rain again?

Nike's, that's who.  With their "Just Do It" slogan and I blindly followed.



I thought it was just gray with a slight drizzle today but naturally as I got in my car it started raining harder.  So, I took the scenic route to see if there was anything worth photographing, hoping the rain would settle down before I headed off into the forest.

Note to self - Do not try photographing the beach when it’s raining and you’re holding an umbrella and the wind is throwing water at you sideways.

This pair didn’t seem to mind the rain at all.  They even seemed interested in me for a moment or two.

 "Let's see.  I know I put those keys somewhere."



I finally did go to the forest.  It started with a light drizzle and I figured the canopy of trees would shield me from the rain.  Not so, for the record.  It actually started raining harder once I was there.

I started out jogging a lot further than I thought I could go, then I started getting hot.  The turtle-neck with the short sleeved t-shirt over it, and the fleece on top of that and the wind breaker on top of that were too much. 

So I did what any sensible girl alone in the woods would do.  I stopped and started taking off my clothes.   So I’d be more comfortable you see.

I removed the fleece, tied it around my waist, put the windbreaker back on and off I went.   But I couldn’t run that much more, and the rain was picking up.  I had my head down most of the way using the brim of the baseball hat to shield my face.  Every couple of minutes I’d tilt my head to the side and with a quick jerk the beads of rain would fall off like marbles falling out of a cylinder.

Because I was looking down most of the time, I lost my bearings and started thinking I’d already passed this and that marker.  It started to feel like the trail was never going to end.  A trail that used to take me at least an hour to complete at a brisk walk only took 45 minutes when I add the jogging in.

At one point I saw a picture in my mind of Jack Nicholas in The Shining.  Why does my mind do that to me?  It’s not funny!

I started thinking about the time I really got lost in the woods and how this was starting in a small way to resemble that day.  I also realized you get used to the rain and being wet.  But being lost is another thing.  I wasn’t lost though.  The damn trail just seemed to take forever, and I wasn’t in my usual blissful state being the woods getting exercise.  I just wanted it over.  The end.  In the past.

And finally, it was. 

I’d made it.   So I treated myself to cheesecake when I got home.

And now I'm off to take a hot shower.  



I will confirm that there is nothing like a hot shower and being sparkly clean after spending 45 minutes in the rain and mud, panting, and desperately wanting my car to drive me home.  But I did it!  It was a small adventure and one I’m happy is over.  My wet dirty clothes are now strewn all over the bathroom like I’m living out of a one room hostile, but I‘m clean.  The gel inserts I needed to wear in my shoes tonight as I pace 10,000 steps however, are not.

I’m really wishing I didn’t have to go be a humble servant tonight.  I want these days to end. So if you’re going out to dinner, be nice to your server.  She may just write about you afterwards.

Have a great, rainy, Saturday night for me.


Lori said…
You are a fabulous photographer and story teller!
Micki Michelle said…
Aw, THANKS Lori! I really appreciate the compliment. : )

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