A Milestone

Welcome to another milestone here at Micki Michelle Headquarters.

It is with great honor and pride to announce that - DRUM ROLL! - this is the 100th post.

(Go ahead.  Roll your eyes.  I’ll wait.)


You’re probably wondering how this genius developed-

People think I’m an overnight success but I’ve been at this for a long time.  I’ve been carefully honing my craft and crafting my hone since I was a wee tot.

Actually, it started in the 5th grade.  At a parent/teacher conference my teacher made a big deal out of a short story I’d written and won Honorable Mention for.  I was beaming with pride, but that had more to do with the training bra I was newly sporting and showing off to my little girlfriends.

The following year in 6th grade I wrote an essay about nuclear energy, because there was a big scare that year, and won Honorable Mention amongst much bigger competition.  I got a years' pass to some nature conservancy but what I really wanted was a trophy or a ribbon.  I wanted proof that I'd done something worthwhile.

When I was 12 years old I started writing poetry.  I wrote about the love of my life - and I have no idea who that was, but I was IN LOVE and I can still recite my first poem today.  It started many years of writing poetry and the greatest advantage was using it to get out of trouble by writing endearing poems to my mother.  And yes, it worked because I leverage my craft in any way I can, although the spell doesn't seem to work on my friends.

In my late teenage years I ventured into writing rap songs when rap was still new.  There were some good laughs amongst my friends as I told stories through beats about our wacky college professors and some of the goofy stuff we‘d done.  I knew my career would be short as a rapper though because there were no fair-skinned, blonde-haired, mid-western-looking farm girls doing much rapping.

After that, I tried writing short stories but could never pull anything decent together. 

Last year, a friend and I wanted more creativity in our lives so we set a goal to do one creative thing a week and share it with each other. It could be a drawing, painting, photograph, sculpture or something written.  We were just trying to loosen up, let it flow, and not be afraid to make mistakes.  You can see I've learned the part about not being afraid to make mistakes.

We lasted one week - maybe two, and the "short story" I was writing started taking on a life of its' own and could probably be the first chapter of something bigger, if I ever go back to it.  I was enjoying the process of living in my imagination and it was that story that prompted me to write more and explore.

I had no concrete plans for the direction things would take on here.   I call it my little playground and I don‘t know where it‘ll lead.  I’m letting it unfold and if you find it interesting, funny, or pathetic - I want to thank you, but it's really all for you.   If you read about my life, you should feel better about yours. 

Thank you for your time and the eyes that skim these pages.  Your check is in the mail.


lori said…
Congratulations on 100 posts!
I can hardly believe it has been that many. Time sure flies when you are having fun!
Micki Michelle said…
You're not kidding. It really does fly!

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