Color My World

I spent the weekend in the beautiful New England area where the kaleidoscope of Fall colors spread across the vast hillsides matched that of my colorful family.

And I lived to tell about it.

Something about my dear sibling, the Great Oracle, telling me how I should live my life and Momma giving me the middle finger because I teased her about her (sometimes) lack of patience made me realize that we should all get together more often to hold hands, skip around the fire and sing kum ba yah with beads in our hair and moccasins on our feet.

And the children.  Bright, gorgeous children laughing and dancing with no inhibitions, looking like something from the bottle dance from Fiddler on The Roof.   They need to join us around the fire for their dancing skills alone.  They can show us a thing or two.

It’s the coming together with people we share genes with, or the marriages and relationships that connect us and make us family.  We may wonder how it is that we’re actually related when our minds seem to live in different worlds with different perspectives, but everyone shows up in their own special colors and a kaleidoscope that is uniquely them.  

And that is why I love them.


Anonymous said…
Me too!

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