Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

I’m convinced my neighbors sneak into my apartment when I’m not here and read what’s on my computer. And I think they’ve found my blog.

I’ve been ranting, a lot lately. It’s that cold that I had for a month. It did something to the cellular structure of my brain and I can‘t help it. It’s organic. I have stuff to get off my chest so I beg and bribe people to come here and act like they’re entertained. I’ve been ranting about my neighbors who forget that I’m here, the girl in the bell tower, the one that throws her garbage down the stairs, slams doors and kicks the stairs to remind them that they don’t live in this house alone.

So what did they do this weekend? The unimaginable. The unthinkable. The something I wouldn’t even ask for because it‘s too much for a girl to hope for -

They went away for the weekend. The entire weekend.

Well dance on the table tops and twirl your pasties. Party at my house!

I woke up Saturday morning to stillness. I waited for sound, for reassurance that there was life beneath me, but nothing. No vacuum cleaner running before nine o’clock, no slamming doors that rattled my bed, no stomping of feet back and forth across the hard wood floors. I feared something was wrong. Maybe I’d gone too far with the ranting and they somehow moved out without me noticing. Which would be a feat because they don’t do anything quiet. Maybe they’re on vacation. For like several months. *beam* Maybe they were just messing with me and when they return they’ll be even worse. *pout* Maybe whatever they’re doing has absolutely nothing to do with me and they’ve never read my blog and they’re just living their lives.

Whatever little scheme they’re trying to pull, I’m not complaining. I’m going along with this charade as long as possible. I relished two days being able to hear my own thoughts with enough peace to read my own mind. I rushed out and got the biggest Thank You card, filled it out and left it on their door. It simply says, “Thank You for going away." Your Neighbor, Micki MIchelle (The girl upstairs. Remember me?)


Anonymous said…
This is what happens when you do not get out much.
Anonymous said…
Sorry I have been away scheming, working, feral cat rescuing, and neglecting you. Glad to see that you are having a break from the neighbors from hell.
Micki Michelle said…
What? Me not get out much? I suppose when you work from home you don't have to go out much. I'm just trying to be "green" Mom and reduce my carbon footprint and all that (not!).

Plus, Hood living requires much time inside with doors locked...just to be safe.
Micki Michelle said…
About the neighbors- I've said before, they're really nice people and very pleasant when you talk with them. They just seem clueless about how much noise they make.
Anonymous said…
You could get an IPOD. I love mine and I can barely hear any dogs barking when I have it on loud!

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