Mr. Internet and The Wrestler

About that poll that was on here- it appears that half of you DO make your beds daily. Yep, out of the six of you, that's three, count them...THREE of you pulling on sheets, fluffing pillows and straightening comforters, duvets, whatever you're using. And I'm proud of you. No one has to know that I was one of those three and that means there are really only five of you. It's our little secret.

I'm still doing battle with Mr. Internet. Today I was informed by a pop-up window that someone is inside my computer having a look-see. Apparently, it's someone very small because I can't see them lurking behind the screen. If only I'd started that diet earlier I could've gone after them by turning side-ways and slipping in through a USB port or something. Let's just say, many phone calls were made, accounts suspended and other security-related things to make my new friend lurk elsewhere and be someone else's pain in the ass. I may be here sporadically until I get some of these other things taken care of. We'll see how it goes.

I saw The Wrestler at the movie's tonight. Stop reading here if you don't want a spoiler.

The acting was great but man was it depressing. I know the name of the movie is The Wrestler, but in the back of my mind I was picturing boxing because in his interviews he talked about being a former boxer. I also wasn't expecting so much of the movie to be showing all the blood and truly gruesome things these goofy wrestlers do. I had to look away for several scenes. That whole industry is very weird to me.

Maybe I could get The Wrestler to throw Mr. Internet into the ring for a couple rounds. Now that I'd watch!


Anonymous said…
i love micky rourke.

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