Love Thy Neighbor

I was woken up this morning to the sounds of blaring music coming from the apartment below. Rolling over with sleepy eyes I glanced at the clock and thought to myself, “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

Why people? Why are you torturing me?

I didn’t sleep well last night. I learned that S who cleaned the demon virus on my computer now had problems of his own. He’d backed up my files on his hard drive and the demon virus got into his tax return information which included social security numbers and other personal info. S had the best virus protection and felt totally confident but it didn’t even pick up on this little demon. So, my problem had spread to someone else's and I felt terrible about it.

So I’m concentrating on the music and to them singing and what sucked most was it was really REALLY good stuff they were listening to. I debated whether or not to call and ask them who the artist was. I know that would’ve jolted them a bit. But I think it was Eva Cassidy doing some blues numbers and no one even knows who Eva Cassidy is! Except me, and a couple other people.

I was in West Virginia a few years ago and went into this little boutique filled with crystals and angels and the kind of stuff I don’t usually look at. They had this amazing music playing and I lingered in the store just so I could listen to it. The artist’s voice had the purity and clarity of an angel. It was almost hypnotic, and then my favorite song came on. Over the Rainbow. And ya’ll can shut it. It’s my favorite song and I don’t care if you’re laughing right now. So I’m looking at these crystals hanging from the ceiling and watching the spectrums of color they made around the store and found myself getting all choked up because it was the prettiest version I’d ever heard.

I went to the counter, asked about the artist and was told it was Eva Cassidy. Eva was from the area and died young from cancer, I believe. After that, I got all of her work that could be found. A lot of it is slow and sad, but this young woman had an amazing heart-wrenching gift.

So, the latest on the computer stuff is I now have to call my bank, credit card companies and credit reporting agencies so they put extra security on all my info. I’ve also learned after doing quick research that Mozilla Firefox is a much safer browser than Internet Explorer. I’d heard that for years but never switched over. All you do is search for Firefox and download the browser. It takes 2 minutes, if that and looks a lot like IE. I also bought an external hard drive for $100.00 for weekly back-ups and I’ll pray for the best.

The video sums up the past week or so.


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