
Is there anything weird about the lawyer and engineer who live below me, in the same house, with the same heating system, not realizing that the heat has been OFF for the past EIGHT hours?

I'm guessing it happened around 10pm or so. I noticed it was cold in the bedroom when I went to bed. I put the electric heater on for a short while before falling asleep. When I woke up it was like 50 degrees in here. The cat even let me put the blanket over her and she looked like a turtle with her little head bobbing in and out. I thought it was kind of funny that a duvet full of bird feathers was keeping my cat warm.

I could hear them moving around downstairs getting ready for work. But still, there was no sound of the heat cranking up. I had to call them around 7am to ask if the switch had been accidently turned off. Sure enough, it had. The lady-engineer seemed so surprised saying, "I thought it was a little cold in here."


A little cold?

Ya think so rocket scientist?

It's 19 degrees outside this morning. I think they smoke crack down there. The man-lawyer is no better. I once called and asked him to flip the switch on the breaker box for me because I blew a fuse. He didn't know how. This is a guy in his mid 50's, and me, the girl, is explaining how to find the orange button on a panel of black buttons and simply flip it. Like turning on a light switch. Scary. Just goes to show, career title means very little.

Next time I'm lured into taking an apartment for the FREE heat I'll be sure to check that I can actually control it.



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