Valentine's Goal 2010

The video from yesterday was not the one I intended to use. After I wrote the post, I found a video that was perfect but had technical problems posting it. Different windows kept popping up every time I tried to publish and I lost it. I looked for it today and still can't find it, but what I did find was even better. I don't want to inundate you with videos but it's a sexy holiday. And don't ask me how I found this while doing a search for 'Valentines day' and 'cupid' and such.

I found a new goal. A goal I will reach for next Valentine's day. Pole dancing! Hey, a girl needs something to fall back on during these tough times. And since I'm usually talking about weight, dieting and crying because I have a cold, I thought I'd add something for the male viewers.

I was going to wish you a Happy 'V' day and then I realized what some of you might think, especially after seeing this video because there's plenty of 'V' in it. But seriously? It's pretty remarkable what a girl can do with nothing more than a pole. Yeah it's sexy, it's erotic, but it's beautiful too. And the best part? Her shoes! Wicked. Oh, that's another girl thing.

I know not what I say sometimes. Party on Lova's!


Anonymous said…
WOW!! to be able to move like that again. I would love it. Shall we take poll danceing lessons???
Micki Michelle said…
I have to laugh, and then scratch my head wondering if there would be something very odd about taking pole dancing lessons with your mother.

But my mom's cool like that. She used to be a belly dancer and she was VERY good. It looks very sensuous, but it takes a lot of muscle control and it's not easy.

I'm trying to figure out how this girl keeps body circling around the pole like she's a music box figurine. Maybe they'll explain it in the lessons.
Periwinkle Ink said…
Damn! You're right! Those shoes ARE wicked!

.... she's absolutely amazing! She had to have some gymnastic training to have that kind of control and strength. She definitely deserved to win.

And as of next year, will we see the first Mother/Daughter pole dancing video?? Hope so!

Go, ladies!
Micki Michelle said…
Seriously Periwinkle? A mother-daughter pole dancing team? I'm afraid that would make the day-time talk shows. You know the ones that chant things from the audience?

She is very talented and I agree, she definately had a lot of gymnastic training, along with dance. It's very Cirque de Soleil.

I wonder if she actually pole dances in a club. I also wonder how many people she tells that she's a champion pole dancer.

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