
You know all those flyers and valupaks (or whatever they’re called in your area) you get in the mail and usually toss in the garbage? Well, take a look. There are amazing deals out there.

I’ve been to two different deli’s that I’d never been to before because of their 2-for-1 deals on sandwiches. And these are top of the line deli’s. There are also diners in the area offering breakfast, lunch and dinner, ALL at 50% off. Holy cow.

This means I’ll be putting off that diet because I’m a small business and I have to do my part supporting other small businesses because, it’s the right thing to do. You know, given the state of the economy and all.

Also, a while back I mentioned that I was unplugging everything I didn’t use to see if it made a difference in my electric bill. The result was, it didn’t save me any money. I think it’s because my 2-bedroom apartment isn’t that big, as opposed to having a whole house, and I usually have everything turned off anyway. It was an interesting experiment.

I'll be here tonight commenting LIVE on American Idol from 8-10pm EST. Stop by if you'd like to chime in!


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