Bobble Head

I’m being pulled along the bottom of the sea through the sludge, twisting and writhing to free myself from the anchor that’s holding me down where I can’t breathe or escape the misery that encapsulates me. My head is swimming, my body is drowning and I ache for freedom from this body that torments me and…

“Cut! Can you tone down the dramatics and add a little humor maybe?”

“Try again. Take two.”

This simple cold has brought me to my knees pleading for the magic pill to make it all go away and save me from myself. So I decided to part-ay instead and do shots like they did in the old days, all under the guise of good-old-fashioned medicine.

“Nyquil, enter the scene.”

Hello my lover. I drink you up, then sit back and get dreamy thinking of you with my head in the clouds.

I’m one giant head with two little legs sticking out and the poor little legs are trying desperately to hold this pressure-filled head upright.

I am, bobble head.

And bobble head can’t do anything well right now. It can’t even watch television well.




Anonymous said…
yikes! you still are not better. i wondered if you fell off the face of the earth because i had not heard from you yet that you are better so i thought i would come and check and see if you were hanging around over here and sure enough there you are stoned to the bone on nyquil! get better you! maybe next time have the high test chili and it'll knock the crud out of you!
Periwinkle Ink said…
Feel better, Bobble Head! I hate that feeling of living life (when sick) on a different plane of existence than everyone else.... This too shall pass! Virtual hugs and comfort food being sent your way!
Micki Michelle said…
Thanks for the well wishes. I'm on some other planet right now, far, far away and can't wait to join you all again soon.

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