
Is it bad if within the first couple days of 2009 I’ve already had pancakes and bacon, pizza, hot dogs, lasagna, lots of cheese and a couple pieces of Aunt M’s pumpkin log? I had to. It was out of respect for the chefs who prepared these lovely dinners and the prepackage companies that make our lives easier with instant meals and to whatever else I can think of as an excuse.

I’m making up for it though. Today I had 2 meals with tilapia, broccolini and Momma’s mashed potatoes that I froze from Thanksgiving (a little bit of “home” here in the Hood). I know, I know, the mashed potatoes are not exactly figure-friendly, especially since Momma probably put 2 sticks of butter in them, but at least they’re nature’s food. Besides, I’m slowly transitioning into healthier eating so I don’t completely shock my system.

I’m starting to wonder if the processed foods are doing something to our memories. I talked with a couple people who are complaining about memory problems--forgetting what someone just said, forgetting what you walked in the room for and doing crazy things like putting paper towels in the refrigerator overnight. Don’t ask. Again, I suspect the cat. If I had a dog too, I could get away with so much more.

I mentioned previously that I was at my Italian friend’s house for dinner a couple nights ago, which was exceptional by-the-way, and we were both saying we felt like we were losing our memories. We shared some funny stories about stupid stuff we did because of our “loss”, and then she walked into the kitchen and asked me what she went in there for. She already forgot that she couldn’t remember.

I looked at her with wide eyes, trying to conjure up anything in my brain to help her but all I could eek out was, “I have no idea.” “I don’t remember.” I should’ve told her that she was in there to get me some more lasagna or cake. Or that she was going to write me a fat check for being her friend because I’m awesome like that, and that she offered to clean my house for six months and be my personal assistant for free.

But I didn’t, because I couldn’t remember the question.


Rosie said…
What? You blogged about my CRS? What a friend! Actually, Micki, we're all transitioning so that we don't shock our bodies, I've been doing it for....oh, forget it...I'm not telling you how long, before I know it, that'll be on the blog too! What was I saying, oh, I forget.
BTW-I'd get rid of that cat--seems to be wreaking havoc with your life. Happy Dieting, duh!
Micki Michelle said…
CRS (Can't remember shit). Good one. I had to look that one up.

I'm not getting rid of the cat. You crazy? She's my scapegoat.

What I need is more animals or kids or something.

Happy healthy eating to you too Rosie!
Anonymous said…
maybe the cat needs a friend? i have 6 to choose from! two of them are calico/tortis also. i could see them forming a gang though and doing twice the bad things. yikes!
Micki Michelle said…

I'd love to have the space to take a couple of your cats so they can torture me endlessly and I'd be the odd man out.

I can just picture them taking shifts, waking me up all night and fighting over my lap when I'm trying to work on the laptop. Guess where my cat is right now? Hogging my whole lap and what am I doing? Me, the Queen of my own Castle? I'm leaning awkwardly to the side so I can write this and "precious" can drift off to Dreamland without any backaches.

Seriously, I've considered getting a kitten thinking my cat won't fight with it if it's small and it'd give her something to do, but I'm really not supposed to have more than 1 cat where I live. So, I'll keep asking, "Would you like fries with that?" and hopefully, some day, I'll have that place and I can be-as-one with more furry friends.

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