On the Seventh Day He Rested, and So Shall I

The post-holiday fatigue has set in and I’m glad it’s Sunday. I need the rest and today, I’m getting plenty of it.

A few weeks before Christmas I got a call from the restaurant where I occasionally fill-in. One of their full-time servers broke her ankle so a couple of us covered her shifts and in return we pocketed some good cash. Too bad for the girl that missed out. I’m sure she’s kicking herself with her unbroken ankle.

The last night I worked there I got home around 1am and didn’t get to sleep until 3:00 in the morning. When I woke up and saw it was almost noon I smiled serenely, sprinted to my feet and put my arms in the air like a gymnast does after finishing her routine -- in my underwear.

It was a sight and I felt great. My deadlines had all been met and I was temporarily free. A small slice of Heaven. I’ve since tried to re-enact the gymnast routine to capture the euphoric feeling but I think I had too many clothes on.

So today, I’m happily spending the day in my pajamas reading, writing and relaxing.

Rest. Does your inner Hero good.


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