
Chicken salad on a bed of mixed greens with sea salt, fresh pepper, olive oil and a pickle.

The tomatoes grouped themselves into pairs right before this picture was taken. It wasn’t me! Honest. I suspect something naughty. Date-night for the salad or something. Maybe they were reproducing to help my grocery bill.


Anonymous said…
i bet the cat organized the salad when you were not looking.
Anonymous said…
i noticed the cat also got rid of the asparagus! now that is a cat after my own heart!
Micki Michelle said…
Can you believe those tomatoes? Pairing off like that right before my eyes.

The cat wasn't getting anywhere near that lunch, although she did get a bit of chicken in her own bowl, minus the kinky tomatoes.

The asparagus was left out of the pic just for you Lori. : )

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