A Tune-Up for the Soul

I had a couple of unexpected “Hours of Power” with some friends and I'm loving them for it.

I think 2008 sucked the life out of me and left me a withering empty shell of a person longing for sustenance.

Something about this time of year always gets me off track. It’s not the lack of sun. I can still see the sun through the window so I’m ok, plus, the cold weather keeps the neighbors inside which improves my mental health. I’m like the slow-starter at the beginning of the race, the runt of the litter, the benched athlete at this time of year. I’m part-bear in hibernation waiting for a better day to come and I’m in no hurry to shuffle anywhere.

So mundane Monday was interrupted by an old friend calling to check-in with the usual, “How are Ya?”, “What’s new?” happy-happy-joy-joy let’s-get-our-pom-poms out and celebrate Life. And then we got real.

“How’s your mood been?” I asked.

“It Sucks. Yours? “

“Sucks too.” I replied.

I’m so glad you called!

Why does it give us so much comfort when we know we’re not the only ones wallowing in bored states of self-pity? The Losers Club has one more member and me, the self-appointed President, couldn’t be prouder of my little clan. We, the Underdogs, agree to stand united and face the world with big stick.

And just as quickly as we shared our struggles, and admitted we both STILL have to make our goals for the year, some freak-of-nature-Guardian-Angel type of thing began to weave itself into our conversation. Talk of everything wrong in the world turned to appreciation for what is right. Complaints turned to gratitude. And disappointments turned to a surrendering of simply what is.

Like lovers discovering each other for the first time, we needed each other in that moment, hinging on every word and spoon-feeding each others souls. Our thoughts became entwined as we became one and oh, it was so right and delicious.

And then we hung up.

But that’s not all folks! For a special low-introductory fee you can get a double-dip of BLISS!

Immediately after, the phone rang and it was someone else in need of spoon feeding. So, together we walked, hand-in-hand down the same path and I paid it forward.

Seriously, I’m glad you called.


Anonymous said…
OLD friend and what do you mean by that??

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