Gift of Good Intentions

I got this gift from one of my readers-
I thought it was a nice gesture and then I started to wonder if there was more meaning behind it. A subtle message about my writing skills, a gentle nudge to improve myself, something everyone knows but me, and it was given under the guise of a Christmas present.

It was from Santa’s evil twin; the one that got the dog a fur coat, the therapist a book on listening skills and a con man advice on manipulation. All done to create confusion and stab at my fragile ego until there is nothing left to bore you with. Yes, I’m guilty of paying my friends and family to come here and read about my insecurities and failures. Yes I’m guilty of presenting my mundane life as sometimes exciting and yes, I understand a reader can only take so much.

Maybe there’s something good in the book, something I can learn and then prance around here knowing I’m better for it. Maybe I won’t have to pay people to come here if I read it. And maybe this person knew what they were doing when they gave it to me.
I’ll read the book, get healed and come back a better person.

Thanks Mom.


Anonymous said…
oh wow! i like that gift! could i trade you for a pair of flannel pajamas? heh!
Micki Michelle said…
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Micki Michelle said…
No Chance. I have my own long, lonely road to walk reading about all the writing mistakes I'm making and I owe it all to my Mom. How may I count the ways to thank her?

**In all seriousness everyone, my Mom thinks I'm brilliant, and I have to agree (no laughing, this is serious). She's a huge supporter of me writing and is the one that's encouraged me to keep at it. Thanks Mom! I appreciate the gift.
Anonymous said…
i love the things to ponder widget on your blog! why yes! eventually everyone does quit smoking! heh!
Anonymous said…
You are an awesomely entertaining writer. I'm sure the book was intended just so you can learn if there is any at all room for improvement.

An admirer of yours!!!!

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