Promise Yourself

A while ago we did an American Idol Shout-out on here with people posting comments LIVE during the show about their favorite contestants and what they thought about who. It was fun. You can read that here.

I literally posted the Grammy announcement the very minute the show was starting and hadn't even mentioned it to anyone I know in person – so, it was a party for one. But man did they put on a performance. I haven't watched an awards show in quite a while. This one I thought was worth it.

I'm having my post-winter blahs. And I like winter! Doesn't make much sense but it always happens around this time of year. It's not as bad as last year though, and I'm grateful for that. Speaking of being grateful, that's something I need to be more mindful of. I need to remind myself of all the little things I'm grateful for and put that out there in the Universe. It's so easy to get caught up in the complaining and obsessing over “what's not perfect yet”.

It's not about “perfection” really, it's just the mindset. I learned that instead of thinking in terms of “what's wrong” to think about situations that “aren't perfect yet.” To me, it has a whole different feeling behind it.

So, me and my fussy self will leave you with something that one of my best friends gave me several years ago that means a lot to me. I don't know who the author is but I hope there's something in it of value to you.


strong that nothing can disturb your peace

of mind. To talk health, happiness and

prosperity to every person you meet. To

make all your friends feel that there is

something in them. To look at the sunny

side of everything and make your optimism

come true. To think only of the

best, to work only for the best and expect

only the best. To be just as enthusiastic

about the success of others are you are

about your own. To forget the mistakes of

the past and press on to the greater

achievements of the future. To wear a

cheerful countenance of all times and give

every living creature you meet a smile. To

give so much time to the improvement of

yourself that you have no time to criticize

others. To be too large for worry, too noble

for anger, too strong for fear and too

happy to permit the presence of trouble.


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