Happy Vingles Day

I'm starting a movement. Valentine's for the Singles = Vingles. That sounds like a disease, doesn't it.

Valingles? Nah.

Valeningles? Still not feeling the love and it's starting to sound like a private holiday from Little House on the Prairie with Ma and Pa Ingalls.

Valensingles. That's just another reminder that we're single but has a ring to it.

Silentine's. Something about that reminds me of Christmas..

I have to work on the name (feel free to leave one in the comments), it's where all the people who are lonely and don't get cared for every. single. day. of the year. get some love man, BECAUSE WE NEED IT.  How 'bout we celebrate that and give to the needy?

Where are the givers?

I've been eating chocolate all week and had it as breakfast this morning, because that's what you do, right?

You start a week ahead of time to consume as much chocolate as possible. But it's organic so it's healthy. Yeah, yeah. That's it. This, from someone who rarely eats candy. I'm just not much of a sugar person, although that may be changing as I've found myself craving cake from time to time.

One of my closest friends is obsessed with cake. I'm not kidding. It's her addiction. When she told me that and told me (in all seriousness) she was trying really hard to wean herself FROM CAKE, all I could think of is that that's got to be the cutest addiction I've ever heard of. Awww. Seriously? Cake?

My celebration this year will consist of humbly serving the lovers out there the most fabulous dinner EVER. All that, while wearing a ridiculous new shirt that someone thought was a good idea. Not only is it too expensive for what we do, it looks like something circa 1985. Ho hum.

The picture up top was taken while looking straight up in the middle of a gazebo standing on the edge of a mountain near Momma's house. They do a lot of weddings there because the view is amazing. What I didn't realize until I downloaded the pictures onto my computer is that the design makes whimsical hearts.  Or butt cheeks, whichever you prefer.


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