Vacation Time

I got a call from my very pleasant, but sometimes loud neighbors yesterday -- the ones who I share a 2-family house with -- informing me they were going on vacation -- for a week.  And while I wished them well and to “take lots of pictures” and “have a safe trip” all I could think of was my own personal delight.  My sanctuary was being returned to me.   I could meditate without interruption and hear my own thoughts.  I could talk to myself without being heard by others.  I had fantasies of all the noisey things I could do like vacuum at midnight, throw loud parties, and run up and down the stairs, naked. 

And while I’m technically not going anywhere, I’m on my very own vacation, right here at home at a very discounted price.  A week of bliss, a week of walking on my heels like a normal person, instead of my tippy-toes to reduce any noise I could make.   A week of doing dishes at 3am, just because, and I’m setting the volume on my television so I can hear it.  

There will be no sharing of water pressure while in the shower, no front doors slamming and vibrating my bed to wake me at 6am and no noise except the noise the resides OUTSIDE the house.

Sometimes vacation means SOMEONE ELSE going away.   And I thank you for it. 

Bon Voyage and…take your time.


Judy said…
You are such a nut!

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