
I’m looking for it.  I look for it in books, movies, people.  I look for it in songs and nature.  I guess I’m a little bored of the ho-hum every day although fortunately my days aren‘t always the same.  I don’t think I could handle the monotony of doing the same thing day in and day out.  My mind needs stimulation and challenge.

A door was opened when I met The Great Artist.  A spark re-kindled.  That little light in me, I’m-gonna-let-it-shine shone just a little brighter.  My eyes widened and my heart sang.  So now what do I do? 

I have to laugh at myself because who has this much time to obsess on their inner life?  I’m surprised the “haters” haven’t found my blog yet or at least they haven’t commented telling me to get a life.  And my reply would be, “I’m trying, dumb ass!”  “I’m trying.”  I guess the good thing is that I’m not just going along with life.  I recognize when things feel a little dull and seek to change it.

Isn’t this the feeling you’re supposed to get around mid-February?  The one that lasts until Spring pops up and color comes back into our world and the birds sing happy-happy joy-joy songs to us?  Maybe it’s complacency and I don’t want to be complacent.

When I got out of the shower this morning I saw these images that I have here.  It’s a beach cover-up that I bought in Mexico years ago.  It was hanging from the door knob.  Maybe it’s a sign, but of what, I don’t know.  At least I felt a little inspiration when I realized how pretty the pattern was and I’d never looked that closely at it.

I’m going to look around to see what classes are being offered.  Maybe I can find something interesting like basket weaving for basket cases, or how to watch the time pass without getting bored, or how to sit on your hands for extended periods of time without going numb.  If I’m lucky, maybe I’ll find a writing course on how not to be boring.


lori said…
Wonderful blog! I see extreme talent in all these blog posts!
Eileen said…
Here's one of my favorite quotes: "Just when the caterpiller thought that the world was over he became a butterfly." Something to ponder, huh?

Loooove your blog!So much talent. Let it out.
Micki Michelle said…
They like me. They really like me!

Seriously guys, thanks for the compliments. It's really nice.

Eileen, I think I screwed up on one of my posts because I wrote that the butterfly came from a moth. :O

Rosann said…
What a terrific blog--I love it! So many funny (sometimes) stories. So glad that one of my friends is a super-hero! Keep this up, you are soooo talented!

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