What's Your Song?

There's this funny and witty girl whose blog I follow at
http://www.byebyepie.typepad.com/ and she posted a link to find out what the #1 song was the day and year you were born, or any other day you want to find out about. I'm totally ripping it off, and I did email her hoping she doesn't mind. It's pretty cool. Thanks June!

The #1 song the day I was born was To Sir With Love by Lulu. Go figure. I always liked that song.

Check it out and let me know what your song was.

I have to figure out how to link to something by saying click HERE without showing the actual link. Anyone?


Anonymous said…
Mine is "My Girl" by the Temptations
Micki Michelle said…
How perfect is that? Imagine if you were a boy!
Periwinkle Ink said…

Just type the words "Click here" and then in the area where the "link" icon is, type in (or copy and paste) the actual URL. If that's doesn't make sense, just call me.
Micki Michelle said…
Hey, thanks Peri. I'll try it and will call if I have any problems.
Anonymous said…
My was Mona Lisa by Nat King Cole, how boring.

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