
I tentatively inched my way down the table. It’d been too long since I’d seen her and I was surprised how much she remembered of me. She probably knew more of me than I knew myself. She was an attractive, petite woman in her mid 40’s woman, with shoulder-length shiny brown hair, gentle blue eyes, and a welcoming smile. Her skin had the supple glow of someone much younger who gets regular facials and spa treatments.

She approached me like an old friend, someone who always had lots of questions and always had answers to all of my questions. I liked her and felt comfortable and was glad I found her after moving back to the area. She asked how business was and what was new and I wondered how much of the small-talk was simply a distraction.

She always gave me something special to wear when I was there. This time, it was a crisp pink wrap dress with a “V” neckline and although it wasn’t a great fit, I wore it.

“Just a bit more. OK, that’s good.” She assured me.

Trying to distract myself, I jokingly told her, “You should have one of those paddles you hold up that says, ‘Just a little further please’, because you probably say the same thing to everyone.”

She laughed and said. “Yeah, I do. That would be funny, wouldn’t it?”

“OK. You’re done.” She continued. “That’ll be $145.00. I’ll let you know if there are any problems.”

“Thanks Doc. See you next year. Oh! Here’s my business card, check out my website and let me know if there’s anything I can do for you and feel free to tell your friends about me. Any chance we can barter next year?”

She laughed as she walked away and motioned to her next patient to follow her


Anonymous said…
How funny. It took me till the end to realize you were talking about a doctor's visit.
Micki Michelle said…
Nice to see you here Judy!

Yeah, it's something we gotta do, but fortunately I got some good material out of it.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Micki Michelle, it took awhile for me to figure out how to log on, but I finally did it.

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