Time to Reflect

It’s that time again, to reflect on the past year and look ahead with renewed energy. It’s another chance, a new beginning to accomplish things and continue growing into a better person. It’s about being better, not just for me, but for the people around me as well.

A few years ago I started making goals and it’s become one of my favorite things to do each December. Every year since then, my friend Bren and I go to dinner to discuss the past year and how we plan to challenge ourselves for the upcoming year. Some goals are big and long-term, some are day-to-day and easier to achieve. In 2006 I spent about nine months of the year re-training my brain to stop the negative self talk. I was a pro. I wore a rubber band around my wrist and when I caught myself thinking of all the reasons why I couldn’t do something I’d snap the rubber band as hard as I could. Yeah, it hurt, but not as much as my mind was hurting me. I was breaking an old pattern that wasn’t serving me and it helped a lot.

At the end of 2007 I was able to go through my list and see a lot of progress. This year, I have to search to find where I put the list. I have my wings, but have yet to fly. The day-to-day stuff is status quo, the larger goals got lost in living every day life. This is the human within the Super Hero. Not perfect, but real and constantly evolving.

I got too comfortable this year, and didn’t push as hard as I could have. I took my goal posters down and all the little notes I kept around that reminded me to stay on track because I didn’t want people to laugh at me and my lofty ideas. Who did I think I was wanting to fly around the country to buy up apartment complexes or sit on a Carribean island for 2 weeks working from my lap top with no worry about how the bills would get paid? Or that 4-bedroom beach house that I'd leave open for my family and friends to use when they wanted? I got off my path, but I admit, I had more fun. Better balance will be on the list for next year.

I lost focus of my big dreams where I really want to soar. The things that are hard to imagine actually happening, but who says they can’t? It starts in your mind and why not put it out there? Where are we without our dreams?

They say you have to be mindful of where you’re heading, otherwise Life becomes the driver. They also say Life happens when you’re making other plans but still, I love stretching to see what’s possible. I'm re-focusing, getting my posters out and making my list.

Sometimes, even the smallest achievements can bring the greatest satisfaction. On with the cape, it’s time to fly! And I’m sure I’ll be stumbling too.


Anonymous said…
Micki Michelle said…
Will do Lori. Thanks for the cheers!
Rosie said…
Thanks to Micki Michelle, I have gone from Ms. Doom and Gloom to one of the most positive people I know! Thank you Micki. Thoughts become Things -- Choose the Good Ones!!
You go girl!!!!!

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